1st Aid Course - Teamtraining Arlesheim

Teamtraining Arlesheim
Wer nicht vom Fliegen träumt, dem wachsen keine Flügel
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1st Aid Course

1st Aid for the dog

Date and Timeline

Dates are not fixed

(with min. 3 and max. 4 dogs)


Basler Zentrum für Bildung, Eulerstrasse 42, 4051 Basel

Teamtraining Arlesheim Members (1 person with 1 dog):                  CHF 100.-  

Teamtraining Arlesheim Members (couple) with their own dog (1):   CHF 150.-

All other persons (1 person with 1 dog):                                                CHF 120.-  
A Couple with their own dog (1):                                                             CHF 180.-

Including: course script, paper and pen to take notes, mineral water and bandaging material
The course fee must be paid in advance, or in cash before the beginning of the course.

An application form and further information can be requested via the contact form or downloaded here: Application Form
(If the form cannot be displayed, please download Adobe Acrobat Reader here: click
You can send the completed form to me either via e-mail or postal mail, but please make sure that it is signed!
You will find my postal address in the "Impressum".

Theoretical Part

Behavior in case of emergency
Call your Vet in advance to visit him directly with the following symptoms
Call your vet for a urgent date with the following symptoms
Telefon Call with your vet
The transport to the veterinarian
What can you do yourself in which situation and what shouldn’t (can’t) you do?
Paw-bandage (theory)
Your dogs medicine chest
Important and helpfull Phonenumbers
The theoretical part is assisted by a PowerPoint Presentation

Practical Part
Check of pulse- and mucous membrane
Ligation and pessure bandage
Bandage your dogs paw by yourself
Cardiac massage and mouth-to-nose breathing
And a lot more stuff to this topic
I hold t
he practical part together with my daughter Lea Sonanini (Veterinarian assist at the Animal-Hospital Bern)

Für Hunde ab dem 10. Lebensmonat
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